Monday, November 21, 2016

Chapter 9 - Introduction to Metropolitan and Wide Area Network

A)      Introduction (267 – 294)
a.       Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) – a network that expands into a metropolitan area and exhibits high data rates, high reliability, and low data loss
                                                             a.      Wide area network – a network that expands beyond a metropolitan area
B)      Metropolitan Area Network Basics
a.       Characteristics of a MAN Network
                                                             a.      Failover – ability to reroute in the event of a failure. High redundant circuits, so that in the event of a component failure, the network can quickly reroute traffic away from the failed component
1.       Failover time – speed at which a failover is performed
                                                             b.      Topology is based on a ring, logically and physically, network routers and switches are interconnected in a ring fashion

                                                             c.      Ability that neither LANs or WANs currently have, is the ability of a user to dynamically allocate more bandwidth on demand
b.       SONET versus Ethernet
                                                             a.      Network topology is a ring that is composed of multiple rings that enable the network to provide backup in the event of a segment failure

                                                             b.      Disadvantages of SONET
1.       Complex, fairly expensive technology that cannot be provisioned dynamically
a.       Designed to support multiple streams of voice channels and thus does not scale nicely
                                                             c.      Ethernet MAN
1.       Metro Ethernet – data transfer service that can connect your business to another business (or businesses) using a standard Ethernet connection
a.       Uses point-to-point connection
b.       Bandwidth profile – describes various characteristics about the connection, such as basic data transfer rates, basic burst rates (a surge of data that is transmitted for a short period of time), excess data transfer rates, and excess burst rates
C)      Wide Area Network Basics
a.       Wide area network (WAN) – a collection of computers and computer-related equipment interconnected to perform a given function or functions, typically using local and long-distance telecommunications systems

                                                             a.      Station – a device that a user interacts with to access a network, and it contains the software application that allows someone to use the network for a particular purpose
                                                             b.      Node – a device that allows one or more stations to access the physical network, and is a transfer point for passing information through the network
1.       Subnetwork (network cloud) – a collection of nodes and interconnecting telecommunications links
b.       Types of network clouds
                                                             a.      Circuit-switched network – a network cloud in which a dedicated circuit is established between the sender and receiver, and all data passes over this circuit
                                                             b.      Packet-switched network – all data messages are transmitted using fixed-sized packages, called packets, and no unique, dedicated physical path is established to transmit the data packets across the subnetwork
1.       Datagram – packet-switched network, each data packet can follow its own, possibly unique, course through the cloud
2.       Virtual circuit packet-switched network – all packets that belong to a logical connection can follow the same path through the network
                                                             c.      Broadcast Network – transmits its data, the data is received by all other nodes
c.       Connection-oriented versus connectionless network applications
                                                             a.      Connection-oriented network application - provide some guarantee that information traveling through the network will not be lost and that the information packets will be delivered to the intended receiver in the same order in which they were transmitted
1.       Reliable service – network that requires that a logical connection be established between two endpoints
                                                             b.      Connectionless network application – does not require a logical connection to be made before the transfer of data. Thus, does not guarantee the delivery of any information or data. Data may be lost, delayed, or even duplicated
D)      Routing
a.       Weighted network graph – network graph in which each pair of nodes can be assigned a weight or associated cost
b.       Dijkstra’s least-cost algorithm – calculates a least-cost path through a network. Executed by each node and results are stored at the node and sometimes shared with the other nodes
c.       Flooding – each nodes takes the incoming packet and retransmits it onto every outgoing link
                                                             a.      Rules for flooding
1.       A node need no send a copy of the packet back to the link from which the packet just arrived
2.       Hop limit (network limit) – can be placed on how many times any packet is copied. Counter is called the hop count
d.       Centralized versus distributed routing
                                                             a.      Centralized routing – involves storing all the routing information at one central location. Rarely used in wide area networks
                                                             b.      Distributed routing – uses a routing algorithm, such as a least-cost algorithm, to generate routing information and dictates that this information be stored at distributed locations – typically, routers – within the network
1.       No single node (or central router) is responsible for maintaining all routing information
a.       If any node crashes, it will probably not disable the entire network
b.       A node will not need to send a request to a central router because each node has its own table
e.       Adaptive versus fixed routing
                                                             a.      Adaptive routing – a dynamic technique in which routing tables react to network fluctuations, such as congestion and node/link failure
                                                             b.      Fixed routing – routing tables are created once, typically when the network is installed, and then never updated again
f.        Routing examples
                                                             a.      ARPANET – distance vector routing algorithm, an adaptive algorithm in which each node maintained a routing table called a vector, the routing algorithm was also a distributed algorithm. Every 30 seconds, each node exchanged its vector with its neighbor. Also called Router information protocol (RIP)
                                                             b.      Link state routing algorithm
1.       Steps
a.       Measure the delay or cost to each neighboring router
b.       Construct a link state packet containing all of this timing information
c.       Distribute the link state packets via flooding
d.       Compute new routes based on the updated
                                                                                                                                       i.      Once a router collects a full set of link state packets from its neighbors, it creates a routing table, usually using Dijkstra’s least-cost algorithm
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Open shorted path first (OSPF) protocol – a link state algorithm that is still used today by many internet routers
E)      Network congestion – when a network or a part of a network becomes so saturated with data packets that packet transfer is noticeably impeded
a.       Possible solutions to congestion
                                                             a.      Implicit congestion control – application is simply observing its own throughput and not relying on any special types of signals coming from the network
                                                             b.      Explicit congestion control – when the network signals the transmitting station to slow down
                                                             c.      Forward explicit congestion notification (FECN) – when a frame relay router experiences congestion, it sends a congestion signal (inside the data frames) forward to the destination station, which in turn tells the originating station to slow down the transfer of data
                                                             d.      Backward explicit congestion notification (BECN) – the frame relay router experiencing congestion sends a signal back to the originating station, which then slows down its transmission
                                                             e.      Buffer preallocation – before one node sends a series of n packets to another node, the sending node inquires in advance whether the receiving node has enough buffer space for the n packets. If the receiving node has enough buffer space, it sets aside the n buffers and informs the sending node to begin transmission
                                                              f.      Connection admission control – used in Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), avoid congestion by requiring users to negotiate with the network regarding how much traffic they will be sending, or what resources the network must provide to satisfy the user’s needs before the user sends any data. If network cannot satisfy the user’s demands, the user connection is denied

                                                             g.      Service level agreement – a legally binding, written document that can include service parameters offered in the service, various types of service/support options, incentives if the service levels are exceeded, and penalties if service levels are not met

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