Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chapter 6 - Errors, Error Detection, and Error Control

A)    Noise and Errors (173 - 196)
a.    White Noise – also called thermal noise or Gaussian noise, relatively continuous type of noise and is much like the static you hear when a radio is being tuned between two stations
b.    Impulse noise – also called noise spike, is a noncontinuous noise and one of the most difficult errors to detect because it can occur randomly. Difficulty comes in separating the noise from the signal
c.    Crosstalk – unwanted coupling between two different signal paths
d.    Echo – reflective feedback of a transmitted signal as the signal moves through a medium

e.    Jitter – the result of small timing irregularities that become magnified during the transmission of digital signals as the signals are passed from one device to another

f.      Attenuation – continuous loss of signal’s strength as it travels through a medium
B)    Error Prevention

C)    Error Detection
a.    Parity Checks
                                          i.    Simple parity (vertical redundancy check) – easiest error-detection method to incorporate into a transmission system, comes in two forms, even parity and odd parity
1.    Even parity – the 0 or 1 added to the string produces an even number of binary 1s
2.    Odd parity – the 0 or 1 added to the string produces an odd number of binary 1s
a.    Problems arise when two bits are wrong
                                         ii.    Longitudinal parity (longitudinal redundancy check or horizontal parity) – provide extra level of protection and uses additional parity check bits
1.    Possible for errors still if errors happen in two different rows. Also, too many added parity bits
b.    Arithmetic checksum – characters to be transmitted are “summed” together and the sum is then added to the end of the message
c.    Cyclic redundancy checksum (cyclic checksum) – method that adds 8 to 32 check bits to potentially large data packets and yields an error-detection capability approaching 100 percent, works with polynomials
                                          i.    Generating polynomial – industry-approved bit string used to create the cyclic checksum remainder

D)    Error Control – action that the receiver takes when error is detected
a.    Toss the frame/packet – frame is simply discarded
                                          i.    Low level of errors in fiber-optics plus the transport layer will keep track of the frames and just ask for the frame to be transmitted again
b.    Return a message
                                          i.    Stop-and-wait error control – technique usually associated with the stop-and-wait flow control protocol
1.    Stops and waits for acknowledgement that packet has been received
a.    Timeout – waiting a certain amount of time before transmitting again
                                         ii.    Sliding window error control – flow control scheme that allows a station to transmit a number of data packets at one time before receiving some form of acknowledgement

1.    Piggybacking – if a receiver just received some data and wishes to send data back to the sender, then the receiver should include an ACK with the data it is about to send
c.    Correct the error
                                          i.    Forward error correction – receiver fixes the error, redundant information must be present so that the receiver knows which bit or bits are in error and what their original values were
1.    Hamming code – specifically designed code in which special check bits have been added to data bits such that, if an error occurs during transmission, the receiver might be able to correct the error using the included check and data bits

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