Monday, April 28, 2014

Tools? What tools?

What are your tools?

A tool is something that you use for a given task. This could be something as simple as a drill to screw in something, or it could be a skill that you have. The tools I use as a computer scientist vary according to the job given. Sometimes I am using my keen eye to attention and colors, other times I am using my ability to assess problems and find solutions. The tasks I am given requires a set of tools that I have hopefully, if I do not have the necessary tools then I must acquire them. 

The most used Google Drive applications.

Tools I acquired this semester:
  • Google Drive
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • QR Code manipulation
  • Researching topics more in depth
  • Understanding that I know more than what is on paper (I did not know that knowing how to wrap network cable was a skill until someone told me)

Design knowledge + Color knowledge = Appealing

Some of my favorite tools that I hold are my attention to layouts and color. By having some background in both of these, I am able to work towards a product that is visually appealing and is simple to use. I have a fascination with website designs and how things fit together. There is a reason why websites such as Facebook and Instagram have a lot of whitespace and why they picked those colors. It is easy on the eyes and it prevents the user from getting confused.

Design is a necessary part of making a website.

The degree to which I use these tools is changing as I further my programming skills. Having knowledge about design will put me ahead of many programmers because it will allow me to create something that is not too cluttered and just works. Sometimes programmers forget that you cannot just rely on the user wanting to use your app because it is useful. Sometimes having a simpler and minimalist design trumps having a bunch of cool features. This can be shown by the iPhone and what Apple has done in their products.


  1. Very nice graphics! I love how you combine everything into one interesting post.
    As concise as it is, however, I would love to know more about how you use each tool and how it can be useful for a computer scientist. You seem to be interested in color concept and design. It is a great topic to explore if possible.

    I also like how you end your post by bringing up Apple design. In fact, Apple is a necessary minimalist.

    1. I am interested in color concepts and design like you said. I find it interesting, but I do not consider it to be something that I would make a primary focus in my studies. I think having some understanding of those concepts makes me a more competitive candidate for jobs since it will be something that makes me stand out. The thing that I keep asking myself is what makes me stand out compared to the rest of the Computer Scientist out there? The thing I came up with is a background in making a Yearbook and all the concepts of design, color, typography and photography. Getting a head start in understanding those concepts has given me time to analyze what makes good design and what makes it appealing. I am at the stage where I can dissect part of what I find appealing and unappealing about a design. There are some websites that I take a glance at and never go back to again because I do not want to feel like I'm looking at a jigsaw puzzle. I want to be able to let my eyes relax and find the information I need so I can move on.

      Apple design is something that is very fascinating to me. I saw a documentary that included a segment about how the Macbook was designed. They really try using every piece of metal that they have their hands on. There is very little waste that goes into the manufacturing of Macbooks. Besides that, the features that you give little thought to were actually thoroughly thought through. It is amazing to me how someone can take an elementary concept and flip it on its head to make something amazing. Minimalist design is what makes Apple unique. It is what separates them from the competition. I hope that they continue that in years to come.
